
Marlene Laruelle, Research Professor and Director of the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES). Prof. Laruelle have widely published on Russia’s ideological landscape and Russia’s illiberal outreach in Europe with Oxford, Pittsburgh, and John Hopkins University Presses, Routledge, Palgrave/McMillan. Her latest book, Is Russia Fascist? Unraveling Propaganda East West, will be published by Cornell University Press in February 2021. Her new research project is devoted to illiberalism as a new grassroots political culture in Europe, with a focus on France, Italy, and Germany, and the transnational links to both the US and Russia. She teaches “Nationalisms in Eurasia” and “Illiberal Politics and Populism in Europe”.

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Jean-Yves Camus is Associate Researcher at the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) in Paris and Director of the Observatory of Political Radicalism at Foundation Jean Jaures. He is also sits on the Scientific Board of the Délégation interministérielle pour la lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémtisme et la lutte contre l’homophobie (DILCRAH). Prior to this, he was research director at the European Center for Research on Racism and Anti-Semitism (CERA) in Paris. He was a member of the Île de France Equality Council, an official committee advising the municipality of Paris on anti-discrimination matters He is the author of seven books in French about the Front National and the rise of religious and political extremism, including Le Front national, histoire et analyse (Éditions Olivier Laurens, 1996), Le Front national (Éditions Milan), and Extrémismes en France : faut-il en avoir peur ? (Éditions Milan, 2006). He edited Les Extrémismes en Europe (La Tour d’Aigues, éditions de l’Aube, 1998). He has also published scholarly articles and opinion pieces on the Front National, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and racism in France in French, German, and Spanish. With Nicolas Lebourg, he recently co-authored The Extreme Rights in Europe (Harvard University Press, 2017).

Ellen Rivera is an independent researcher who specializes in the post-war German far right, with a particular focus on post-war anti-communist organizations. In the framework of our project, she is a Research Fellow studying the current links between proponents of the German and the Russian far rights, mostly through extensive social network analyses and media monitoring. She co-authored “Imagined Geographies of Central and Eastern Europe: The Concept of Intermarium,” IERES Occasional Papers, no. 1 (March 2018) and “Collusion or Homegrown Collaboration? Connections between German Far Right and Russia,” Political Capital (Budapest), April 2018.

Périne Schir is one of our full-time Research Fellows for this project and a PhD student in political sociology. She holds an MA in Sociology and Philosophy from Rouen University and is an adjunct professor of Political Theory at the Faculty of Human Sciences at Rouen University. Her PhD research focuses on the growing role of women in European far-right movements.

Emmanuel Faye is professor of modern and contemporary philosophy at Rouen University. He has been working on a critical analysis of the different authors who contributed to legitimize the national-socialist worldviews in philosophy. He is the author, among others, of Heidegger. The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy in Light of the Unpublished Seminars of 1933-1935(Translated by Michael B. Smith, Foreword by Tom Rockmore, Yale University Press, 2009), “Eric Voegelins Haltung zum Nationalsozialismus. Überlegungen zum Briefwechsel Krieck-Voegelin (1933-1934),” in Politisierung der Wissenschaft. Jüdische Wissenschaftler und ihre Gegner an der Universität Frankfurt vor und nach 1933, Herausgegeben von Moriz Epple, Johannes Fried, Raphael Gross und Janus Gudian, Schriftenreihe des Frankfurter Universitätsarchivs (Hg. von Notker Hammerstein und Michael Maaser), Bd. 05, Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, 2016) and Arendt et Heidegger. Extermination nazie et destruction de la pensée (Albin Michel, 2016). He has co-edited with Marlene Laruelle Heidegger, Black Notebooks, and Russia (Moscow: Delo Editions, 2018, in Russian).