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July 26, 2024 in Uncategorized

Gabriele Adinolfi: Architect of a European Neofascist Network

Gabriele Adinolfi: Architect of a European Neofascist Network by David Holcombe IERES Occasional Papers, no. 26, July 2024 “Transnational History of the Far Right” Series Download PDF  Photo: made by…
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July 16, 2024 in Transnational History of the Far Right

The Unholy Marriage of Michael Flynn and the Religious Right

The post-screening presentation and Q&A by, from left to right: Scott Wiper, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.), and Ivan Raiklin. March 21, 2024, Sheridan Church, Tulsa Oklahoma.…
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July 10, 2024 in Transnational History of the Far Right

Orbán’s Hungary: A Launching Pad for the 21st-Century Reconquista

Orbán’s Hungary: A Launching Pad for the 21st-Century Reconquista by Ellen Rivera IERES Occasional Papers, no. 25, July 2024 “Transnational History of the Far Right” Series Download PDF Photo made…
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May 31, 2024 in Transnational History of the Far Right

The French Groupe Union Défense and the Italian Far Right: Four Generations of Transalpine Cooperation

The French Groupe Union Défense and the Italian Far Right: Four Generations of Transalpine Cooperation by Périne Schir IERES Occasional Papers, no. 24, May 2024 Download PDF Photo made by…
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